Health Hopelight

Healing Body, Mind & Spirit

Grow a Garden of Healing


What a feeling of accomplishment to finish the time consumed task of sowing rows upon rows of seeds in the warm spring soil!   An experience greater still begins as tiny green sprouts seem to miraculously arise in the wondrous weeks to follow.  A short time later, we have the joyous privilege of viewing God’s handiwork in the harvesting of colorful vegetables, juicy fruits, and fragrant herbs.  How much more amazing it is to realize that this glorious living produce has the nutrients and healing properties to bring us vibrant health and fruitfulness in our very own lives.

Thankfully, more people are realizing that the perimeters of their food markets are the best aisles to shop for edibles closest to their originally designed forms.  Processed foods – even those promoted as healthful – tend to be acidic and damaging to our more alkaline preferring bodies. A selective natural dietary plan is God’s intended design that is so essential to optimal functioning of our physical and mental well being.

Many people are unaware of how much their eating habits impact how they think and feel.  A week-long trial of junk food elimination can go a long way toward convincing us otherwise.  Sometimes it takes a frightening diagnosis to compel a person into pursuing a healthier lifestyle.  Amazingly, when given the proper nutrition, our bodies have an incredible capacity to thoroughly heal.  Many allopathic physicians are now accepting this formerly scoffed upon method of medical treatment.  We must forgive their earlier ignorance and press on toward presenting the clear evidence of recovered  ‘terminal’ or otherwise deemed irreversible health conditions.

Perhaps most significantly, when we realize how wonderfully made we truly are, it enables us to express more appreciation for the One to whom it is solely due – the LORD God Almighty!  Once we acknowledge His magnificence as the Creator, we are then propelled to more fully love and serve others.  Even if people are extremely hostile to us, or stubbornly resistant to our efforts to bless them, God can provide us with the capability to forgive and to heal those heartlessly inflicted wounds.  His supply of strength through any trial on earth is an everlastingly abundant garden of healing for our weary souls.  May we purpose to grow daily in that grace which sustains us so sufficiently as we trust in His many provisions and perfect sovereignty.

 To Grow on:  “(God) will give you all the seed you need and make it grow so there will be a great harvest from your goodness.”  – 2 Corinthians 9:10

 Right Site:

 Healing Herbs:  See ‘Cure Quest” via top tab

Author: truluv4u

The Lord Jesus Christ has been my greatest source of peace and power for life. He faithfully guides my family through every challenge and trial. I will praise His mighty name forevermore!

2 thoughts on “Grow a Garden of Healing

  1. Personally, I am very excited about growing a variety of healing herbs this year. An anonymous ancient proverb inquires “How can a man grow old who has sage in his garden?” Rosemary, peppermint, oregano, cilantro, and basil have wonderful health properties as well!


  2. Enlightening words as to the importance of eating wholesome foods and enjoying healthy, viable lives so we can better serve our Lord. Sowing seeds for the growth of nutritious foods for our physical bodies can be paralleled to sowing seeds in faithful service to others. Acts of kindness and goodness are twofold in playing a significant role in our spiritual growth as well as bringing much love and joy to those we serve. We are here on earth to bless others!

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